Essential Pistol Course with David Rawlings
Essential Pistol is an 8-hour beginner course that provides all of the basic instruction for someone starting out and who intends on carrying a pistol for self defense. This includes: classroom work, dry fire, some legal aspects of carrying, and time on the range.
This one-day course focuses on the essentials of safe gun-handling and also introduces the newer shooter to several defensive shooting topics, such as:
- safely drawing from the holster
- presenting the gun to the target
- muzzle awareness in public
- movement
- reloading
- using cover and concealment
- safely re-holstering
- transitioning to multiple targets
- reliably clearing malfunctions
- and more…
Also covered are the legal aspects of the use of deadly force and the realities and consequences of legal self defense, such as talking to the police. There are both written/range tests with accuracy standards for passing.
Equipment Requirements
- The course of fire is 250 rounds. Participants are responsible for bringing ammunition.
- 9mm loaner pistols are available on a first-come-first serve basis. To arrange this, please email: david@atarmsreach.net
Range Fee
HISR Members: $20
Non-Members: $30
If this will be your first time shooting at Hobbs Island Shooting Range, you must sign a waiver before your visit. This must be done online by following the appropriate link for either an adult waiver or a child waiver. The link will open a new tab when selected.