Sheepdog Response Shotgun Protector
We face threats of violence every day, ranging from large-scale terrorism to one-on-one assaults. Most people are unprepared, unequipped, and untrained to respond effectively.
The Shotgun Protector curriculum was developed to address the growing demand to learn the techniques that Special Operators, SWAT, and law enforcement officers use to employ shotguns in self-defense. The course will not only cover how to employ a shotgun effectively but also the different types of shotguns and the different types of shotgun ammo. You can learn the skills that have been made popular in movies and in shooting competitions and learn how to use them in a real-world self-defense situation.
Are you prepared to save your life … and the lives of others?
Learn from some of the best instructors in the world, with decades of experience in shooting.
You will spend one day learning skills to employ a shotgun in self-defense. Professional shooters will offer instruction and demonstration on the techniques, and then you will get the opportunity to test them out yourself in realistic scenarios. You will learn to load, engage, and correct malfunctions quickly. This course teaches the full potential of the number one home defense weapon system.
When & Where:
March 22nd, 2024
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
What You’ll Learn
- Pump, auto, and tactical shotguns
- Shotgun operation and marksmanship
- Shotgun gauges
- Types and sizes of shotgun ammo
- Shotgun chokes
- Rapid reloading
- Reacting to emergency situations
- Situational Awareness
Packing List
Clothing & Gear Required
- 1 pair of durable pants and 1 comfortable shirt
- Rain Jacket – the event will go forward regardless of weather
- Electronic Hearing Protection (to receive instruction while on the firing line)
- Extra batteries for hearing protection and optic
- Protective eyewear (preferably not tinted)
- Baseball cap or another hat with brim
- Notebook and Pen
- Our lunch breaks will be short, so you might want to bring MREs, “sack lunches” or something that you can carry with you that does not require any preparation
- Bring any other snacks you desire
- Bring some bottles of water or a refillable container to stay hydrated during the training days
- Please, do not drink alcohol the day/night before training, or during the course in between classes.
Firearms & Accessories
- Shotgun
- Weapons Sling
- Bandelier or shot shell holder
Weapons Cleaning & Maintenance Equipment
- Preferred optic (back up sights for optic)
- Lubrication
- 200 Rounds of Shotgun ammunition
Also Needed
- IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit)
- Tourniquet
- Sunblock
- Insect Repellant
If this will be your first time shooting at Hobbs Island Shooting Range, you must sign a waiver before your visit. This must be done online by following the appropriate link for either an adult waiver or a child waiver. The link will open a new tab when selected.