Summer Fun at the HISR
Check out some of the fun we have planned for throughout this summer!
Suppressor Sundays
Stop by the office any Sunday this summer and get the BEST price on any in-stock (Silencer Shop) suppressor.
First Fridays – Extended Hours
The first Friday of July, August, and September, the range will be open until 9:00pm – NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE
Breakfast Club
It’s hot. Join us in our air conditioned classroom on select mornings this summer to stay inside and enjoy breakfast, dry-fire drills, conversation, debate, and instruction! Topics and drills will be random, but the food and community will be amazing!
Keep an eye on the calendar for specific dates and details.
(RSVP and $10 donation requested)
Third Saturdays – Coach Mello’s Shotgun Clinics
BY POPULAR DEMAND!!! On the third Saturday of every month, we will close the long range and offer clay shooting with Coach Charlie Mello. Bring your shotgun and have a blast.
Pricing posted online. Check calendar for changes.
Random Acts of Fun
All summer, Don and Matt will be floating around the range shooting, talking, smoking cigars and – sometimes – working. When they’re not working, they might bring out a toy or drag you off to the steel park for some fun. If you can con one of them into a challenge, you might win a prize!
Water Balloon Battles
Just kidding. Right? The very idea seems ludicrous, doesn’t it? We all know Don would win. Besides, who would be nuts enough to throw one at him?