Extreme Close Quarters Gunfighting with Greg Ellifritz
The skills you learned on the target shooting range or in your CCW class may not work for you when the fight happens within arms’ reach. Extreme close range gunfighting is a completely different skill set, one that relies far more on FIGHTING than on mere shooting. With up to 50% of gunfight fatalities occurring […]
Concealed Carry Clinic with David Rawlings
This 4-hour clinic focuses solely on the mechanics of concealed carry. Proper concealment of your pistol is important when moving about in public, but so is how you employ it. We will show you both the “whys’“ and the “hows” of keeping it concealed and getting your defensive pistol into the fight effectively. Proper dress […]
Concealed Carry Clinic with David Rawlings
This 4-hour clinic focuses solely on the mechanics of concealed carry. Proper concealment of your pistol is important when moving about in public, but so is how you employ it. We will show you both the “whys’“ and the “hows” of keeping it concealed and getting your defensive pistol into the fight effectively. Proper dress […]